Palestinian presidency reaches an agreement with Egypt regarding aid following President Sisi and President Biden's call

Egypt Daily News - The Palestinian presidency said today, Friday, that in light of the official contacts that took place with the brothers in the Arab Republic of Egypt, it was agreed to bring relief aid to the besieged people of Gaza in the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing on a temporary basis, until it is agreed to operate the Palestinian side. The official Rafah crossing.

This announcement comes after President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his American counterpart, President Joe Biden, agreed to re-enter aid into the Gaza Strip. US President Joe Biden reached out to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Friday to discuss ongoing efforts to secure the release of prisoners and address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

President Biden welcomed President Sisi’s commitment to allow the flow of UN humanitarian aid from Egypt through the Kerem Shalom crossing on a temporary basis for distribution throughout Gaza, the White House said in a statement today.

The White House continued in its statement: “President Biden also expressed his full commitment to supporting efforts to reopen the Rafah crossing with arrangements acceptable to Egypt and agreed to send a large team to Cairo next week for further discussions.”

The White House noted that President Biden thanked President Sisi again for his efforts since the beginning of the crisis to ensure the continuous flow of aid from Egypt to Gaza.

According to the White House statement, the two leaders also consulted on new initiatives to secure the release of prisoners in addition to an immediate and continued ceasefire in Gaza, affirming their commitment to working together to create conditions for a lasting and sustainable peace in the Middle East region, stressing that they will remain in regular contact, whether directly or indirectly, through senior national security teams.